STARS Study Data Request


Data Access User Agreement

Will not attempt to identify or re-identify any subject from the data sets;
Will not disclose disseminate or otherwise share the data;
Will use appropriate security safe guards to prevent use of the data for other than the purposes for which it is provided
Will destroy their copy of the data set once it has been used for the purposes of the application (the master data set will continue to be held by Star Legacy foundation)
Star legacy Foundation does not guarantee that the data are error free;
The data have been cleaned to remove identifiers however, the data base is large and many participants included identifiers throughout the data. If the member sees any identifiers such as dates, , par
They are responsible for their own data analysis. Should the member not be able to perform their own analysis they should contact Star Legacy Foundation who may be able to put them in contact with a s

Request for Data Access

Historical (stillbirths >3 weeks prior to survey)
Case Control (stillbirths/live births <3 weeks prior to survey)

Proposed Paper Details

Institute supported, controlled access server
Institute supported, password protected desktop computer
Encrypted, password protected laptop computer
Encrypted portable media (encrypted external hard drive, encrypted thumb drive)
Unencrypted portable media backup (CD, DVD, thumb drive) stored in locked file cabinet
Other (please describe below)

Ethics Training


Authorship Guidance

The ICJME authorship guidelines apply viz:

We suggest the following format for acknowledgement of consortium members who are not authors in a manuscript:

Information about ethical approval for your manuscript is :

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